JE ns ThEo r y

Archive for March, 2008|Monthly archive page

Just a thought, Eh’..

In Uncategorized on March 25, 2008 at 7:59 am

When you cut yourself, it hurts, there is pain to tell you that is wrong, the body reacts

When you drink alcohol, or petrol or something your body doesn’t want, you are sick, the body reacts.

Sweets, Fizzy Drinks, Chocolate etc are bad for you, so why does the body crave it?

Just a thought, Eh’..


In Uncategorized on March 18, 2008 at 5:25 am

As recently as two weeks ago, I got to meet up with an old-long-lost-friend of mine.

Hence we had a lot of catching up to do, which we rightfully did. We talked about everything & anything..

& of course, at one point of the conversation, we talked about our sexual live [ P.S. I was really humble & down to earth about mine & did not brag at all ]

Him : I’m not really a casual sex type person [ Defending his 22 years of virginity ]

Me : You mean you’re ugly but have ridiculously high standards?

That poor bloke sounded like E’ 22 year-old ‘sadcase’ who says ‘I’m waiting for E’ right woman’

& It got me saying.. ‘Jesus Christ..!! Have as many one-nighters as you can, that way when you DO finally meet a bird you really like, you’ll be confident & good in bed’


I’ve slept with about 25 girls & I wish I never 20 of them..!!

I’m quite ashamed of my sexual past, that’s why I deleted all the numbers I had for quick fixes of undesirable women.

Despite not having had sex for Fucking ages I at least have had more than enough women in my time so that I don’t feel the need to go out & have sex with girls who aren’t up to scratch. In fact I’ve had 2 perfect opportunities [ offers from girls] of sex, but have turned them both down since New Years. Neither girl was that attractive [ Though one had massive tits [ which I fondled a bit ] & I’m past the ‘any hole’s a goal’ stage now..
